

Butt Lift Surgery

A Buttock Lift is a procedure designed to tighten the skin of the buttock area. This procedure can be performed alone or in combination with other operations such as a thigh lift and abdominoplasty. As we age our buttock begins to droop and change shape, and as techniques have progressed newer ways have been found to lift certain body parts that in the past we would let age gracefully.

Buttock Lift Surgery Procedure

The Butt Lift Surgery involves the removal of excess skin from the buttock area. Liposuction may sometimes be incorporated to further improve body contour. The procedure involves cutting the skin high up on the side of the thigh and buttocks, removing excess fat and trimming away the excess skin. The scars are strategically placed at the waistline or somewhat below depending on personal preference so that you can wear most swim wear.
What are the results of a buttock lift?

You will notice that your buttocks have a firmer, youthful contour and appearance. They will be higher and more toned.

These results are quite dramatic and the vast majority of patients – male and female are happy with these.

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