

Breast Implants Style

Breast implants come in a variety of shapes, surface textures, and sizes. Depending on the desired shape you wish to achieve, you and your plastic surgeon may choose a round or contoured breast implant shape. Generally, the larger you want your cup size, the larger the breast implant the plastic surgeon will consider (measured in cubic centimeters, or cc's).

You should be aware that contoured breast implants that are placed submuscularly (under your chest muscle) may assume a round shape after implantation. Your plastic surgeon will also evaluate your existing tissue to determine if you have enough to cover the breast implant. If you desire a breast implant size too large for your tissue, the plastic surgeon may warn you that breast implant edges may be apparent or visible post-operatively. You may even risk surgical complications. Also, excessively large breast implants may speed up the effects of gravity and result in earlier droop or sag

What are the choices of implant positions? 

The easiest surgical placement of the implant is under the breast tissue (submammary).

A slightly more difficult surgical placement is under the chest muscle (submuscular or subpectoral) but this position is associated with a lower incidence of capsule contracture and slightly less occurrence of rippling. There is more pain postoperatively than with a submammary placement.

Round Saline Breast Implants

Currently, this is the most popular saline breast implant choice for breast augmentation. Round breast implant shapes are available in a wide array of sizes to accommodate various body types. They also come in a High Profile style for greater projection in the breast profile. Round breast implant shells come in two textures, Smooth or Siltex®. While Siltex® is a textured surface breast implant, and preferred by some physicians, smooth surface breast implants may be less likely to be felt through the skin and tissue.

Shaped Saline Breast Implants

These saline-filled breast implants feature a contoured shape that re-creates the more teardrop outline of a mature breast. This is often preferred by women who are looking for a gently sloping breast silhouette. The Contour Profile® Style shaped breast implant is available in a moderate or high profile.

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