

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery, known as “augmentation mammoplasty”, is a procedure designed to surgically enhance breast size with breast implants. This procedure can correct a reduction in breast volume after pregnancy, help balance a difference in size, or implemented as a reconstructive technique following breast surgery. Breast enhancement can be performed using either saline or silicone-gel implants, depending on a variety of factors. Sometimes, breast augmentation can be performed in conjunction with or as an alternative to the breast lift procedure. (Silicone-gel breast implants were approved in November 2006; used in breast reconstruction surgery for women of all ages and breast enlargement for women 22 years and older. Various mandatory conditions and studies apply, which can be discussed with your plastic surgeon.)

Cosmetic breast surgery gives you a lot of individualized options for changing the size and shape of your breasts. Surgical methods and breast-implant technology have improved dramatically in recent years: breast augmentation is less invasive, with more options and better post-surgical results.

Now, women have beautiful and safe options for breast augmentation never before possible. Choosing the right implant is a key to successful breast augmentation or breast enhancement surgery. Because body type and breast goals are personal from woman to woman, it is important you choose implants under the guidance of an experienced doctor. it is now possible for each woman to choose a breast implant with her doctor that is right for her augmentation or enhancement.

Each woman is unique in her form.  A broad range of implants with a design for your body type and breast augmentation or enlargement goals. In addition to silicone gel and saline choices, a woman’s implant is based upon breast width, projection, and volume.

Written by PBW
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