


Liposuction, also known as Liposculpture or body contouring, is a medical procedure for the body and its goal is improve the body shape. Liposuction is a procedure that focuses on the sculpting and removal of fat resulting in wonderful shape changes. Liposuction has been used largely by millions of patients. It is estimated that half of all liposuction patients are between the ages of 35 and 50 and approximately one-third are between the ages of 19 and 34. 

A reason for the popularity of the lipoascution is that it can be performed on a wide variety of bodies and appeals to all age groups. Candidates for liposuction are men and women who have stubborn deposits of fat that have not responded to diet or exercise. Even people who appear thin or may be at their ideal body weight can have pockets of unwanted fat. 

Am I a good candidate for liposuction?

A simple "pinch test" is a good method of determining if you are a good liposuction candidate.  In the area of concern "pinch" the skin between your thumb and index finger. If you are able to pinch more than an inch then there is probably sufficient fatty deposits present that liposuction will be helpful. 

How is performed the liposuction?

After the administration of a mild intravenous sedation, the tumescent fluid is placed in the fatty compartment between the skin and muscle. Tumescent fluid contains normal saline, lidocaine, and epinephrine  Lidocaine is a local anesthetic used in very dilute form to "numb" the fatty compartments. Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, constricts blood vessels in the fat and skin. As a result, blood loss in the average patient is measured in teaspoons. 

The surgeon then artistically sculpts the body fat by removing fatty deposits through small incisions using a 2 - 3 millimeter delicate stainless steel wand called a cannula, this results in an esthetically more pleasing body shape. These smaller cannulas are gentler to the tissues, significantly reducing the chance of skin irregularities. 

A support garment is worn for several days after surgery for comfort and tissue support. There is minimal discomfort and a gradual resumption of activity is encouraged beginning the next day. Most people return to work in three to five days, depending on the extent of their surgery. 

Postoperative discomfort is drastically reduced with Tumescent Liposuction since anesthetic remains in the tissues many hours after the procedure is performed. In addition, Tumescent Liposuction results in less bruising, and faster resolution of swelling after surgery.

Liposuction is permanent because not only is the fat removed, but the cells that store the excess fat are also removed. If a person gains weight after liposuction, the weight gain is distributed more evenly over the body rather than in "problems areas" as before. 

Multiple areas are often treated during a single operation in order to achieve the best shape. Occasionally two surgical sessions may be recommended for safety reasons depending on the number and size of the areas.

Written by PBW
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