

Breast Implants Size

Size. That the mayor reason for most of women to have breast augmentation, because women want to increase the size or have the breasts more proportionate to the rest of the body. For some women, deciding to have breast augmentation is the easiest part of the process. Otherwise, choosing the right size breast implant can be a little dificult. This can be very distressing, because women tend to obsess over getting the perfect size, which is completely understandable. Some women worry about going too big, while others worry about not going big enough.

One important thing is having realistic expectations regarding size is a must. You would not want to attempt to go too large, because doing so could lead to serious complications, which will result in more surgery, more recovery time, and last, but certainly not least, more money. A good doctor will not push the limits of your body by trying to force a too large breast implant into your body.

Although bra cups are sized A, B, C and up, breast implants are not. breast implant are measured in cubic centimeters (cc).

The thing you have to keep in mind is that your idea of a particular cup size and your surgeon's idea of a particular cup size may vary.  Additionally, going into a consult and saying you want "x" amount of cc's is also not wise.  If the surgeon agrees to give you the amount you request, you may wind up larger or smaller than you had intended.

Breast implant sizes for both saline and silicone range from 120cc to 850cc. To give you some basis on which to compare sizes, the difference in volume between a 300cc implant and a 360cc implant is just two ounces.

For any patient there is obviously a range of implant volumes that would be considered natural-appearing, and a volume at which the upper pole of the breast begins to look very unnatural. While one patient may seek an augmentation that is 'perfectly natural', another may be interested in a result that is more on 'the full side of natural', and many patients do ask that the largest implant volume be selected that does not produce an unnatural fullness in the upper pole.


Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery, known as “augmentation mammoplasty”, is a procedure designed to surgically enhance breast size with breast implants. This procedure can correct a reduction in breast volume after pregnancy, help balance a difference in size, or implemented as a reconstructive technique following breast surgery. Breast enhancement can be performed using either saline or silicone-gel implants, depending on a variety of factors. Sometimes, breast augmentation can be performed in conjunction with or as an alternative to the breast lift procedure. (Silicone-gel breast implants were approved in November 2006; used in breast reconstruction surgery for women of all ages and breast enlargement for women 22 years and older. Various mandatory conditions and studies apply, which can be discussed with your plastic surgeon.)

Cosmetic breast surgery gives you a lot of individualized options for changing the size and shape of your breasts. Surgical methods and breast-implant technology have improved dramatically in recent years: breast augmentation is less invasive, with more options and better post-surgical results.

Now, women have beautiful and safe options for breast augmentation never before possible. Choosing the right implant is a key to successful breast augmentation or breast enhancement surgery. Because body type and breast goals are personal from woman to woman, it is important you choose implants under the guidance of an experienced doctor. it is now possible for each woman to choose a breast implant with her doctor that is right for her augmentation or enhancement.

Each woman is unique in her form.  A broad range of implants with a design for your body type and breast augmentation or enlargement goals. In addition to silicone gel and saline choices, a woman’s implant is based upon breast width, projection, and volume.

Written by PBW


Breast Implants

Breast implant surgery is a technique that can enhance the size and shape of your breasts. Because of improvements in surgical methods and breast implant technology, this procedure has become more refined over the years, providing better post-surgical results than years ago. This procedure may be combined with a breast lift to provide a fully satisfactory outcome.

Breast Implants Choices

Breast implants come in many sizes and shapes. The type of breast implant that you choose for surgery should be based on your desired change in profile and cleavage. Factors include positioning, surface texture, shape, personal anatomy and other considerations.

Saline Vs Silicone Breast Implants

Saline breast implants have been considered advantageous because if ruptured, the saline can be easily dissolved by the body. A disadvantage is that saline implants are more likely to show ripples through the skin.

Breast Implant Side Effects

As with any surgery, breast augmentation surgery has some associated risks. Though infrequent, complications can result in further treatment or a longer recovery. Risks associated with breast implant surgery could include obstructed mammography, breast feeding issues, infection, and possible implant leakage.

Having breast implant surgery is not something to be taken lightly. Your decision to have breast implants should be an informed one that takes into account the potential risks and side effects.

You should also have realistic expectations about the results of breast implant surgery so that you are not disappointed with the results

Written By PBW
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